Program Registration

Certain programs require members to register in order to join such programs.  These programs are marked in the schedule with a brief instruction under the Registration column.  Depending on the type of programs, the start and end date vary.  See Program Schedule for start and end dates of the programs.

Members must follow the instructions listed below to register for the respective programs.
Any registration submitted before the Registration Start, or after the Registration End, date and time, will be not be considered.

Confirmation of acceptance into a program will be announced about 1 week before Program Start date.

Click the Name of Program for more info.
Program Name Registration Method Registration Start Registration End
Badminton To Online Form2024-09-07 09:00On Going to Waitlist
Ballroom To Google Form
Chinese Calligraphy Google FormCLOSED
Chinese Culture Dance Google FormCLOSED
Chinese Musical Instrument Ensemble EmailCLOSEDOn Going to Waitlist
Chinese Painting To Google Form2024-09-04 09:00
Chinese Square Dance To Google Form2024-09-08 09:00On Going to Waitlist
Classical Guitar Foundation To Google Form2024-09-01 09:00On Going to Waitlist
Erhu Email To
Filmmaking To Online Form2024-09-02 09:00On Going to Waitlist
Folk Song Ensemble Email To
Foundations of Tai Chi In English Google FormCLOSED
Guitar To Google Form2024-09-01 09:00On Going to Waitlist
Health Exercise To Google Form2024-09-01 08:00On Going to Waitlist
Intl. Standard Latin Dance To Google Form2024-09-01 09:00On Going to Waitlist
Karaoke Online FormCLOSED
Live Band Email To
Mahjong Google FormCLOSEDOn Going to Waitlist
Martial Arts & Wellness Email To
Multi-disciplined Exercise Google FormCLOSED
Outreach Email To
Pickleball To Google Form2024-09-02 21:00On Going to Waitlist
Rhythmic Music Movement To Google Form2024-09-03 14:00On Going to Waitlist
Shape and Tone To Google Form2024-09-02 20:00On Going to Waitlist
Tai Chi Online FormCLOSED
Traditional Tai Chi Yangs 85 Google FormCLOSED
Wellness To Google Form2024-09-05 21:30On Going to Waitlist
Yoga Google FormCLOSED
Yuanji Dance To Google Form2024-09-05 21:15On Going to Waitlist
Zumba To Google Form2024-09-13 21:00On Going to Waitlist