Healthy Spine Talk & Postural Assessment 脊柱健康講座及評估

posted 2017-08-22 23:02 by John Chan

Highlight of this talk:
For those who are interested in knowing the reasons behind low back pain, neck pain, muscle pain and numbness.  Also, to learn more daily helpful tips on how to keep your spine healthy.  This is open to all AGOAC members and the public.

Brief Speaker Background:
Dr. Fiona Chan, BHSc., DC
Bachelors of Honors Science from University of Waterloo
Doctor of Chiropractic from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC)
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture from McMaster University
Dr. Chan specializes in manual techniques such as the Thompson® technique and motion palpation. She is also able to provide ergonomic workshops and educate in proper ergonomic designs.
Dr. Fiona Chan is fluent in both English and Chinese.

Workshop format:   (See Poster)
After a 45 minute speech, there will be a free one-on-one spinal assessment for . Each assessment will be around 5 minutes and therefore, pre-bookings will be required. During each assessment, Dr. Chan will identify any problems and provide ways to improve spinal alignment and posture.

If time allows, Zhi Ling Liew, a nutritionist also from Unionville Health Centre, will provide an introduction of "How Nutrition Related To Health" for future workshops and talks.

This workshop will be held:
Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Time: 9:45 am to 12:00 noon
Place: Activities Room 2&3 (AR2&3), Angus Glen Community Centre

Please register online at for this free one-on-one spinal assessment. Thank you!