6th Annual Gala - The largest ever.

posted 2020-02-09 21:28 by Kirk McDonald

February 8, 2020 - 6th Annual Gala. Another success for the history books. Our largest ever. 446 attendees. 35% increase over last year. Major kudos to Chair Anny Chow, Club Secretary and her Co-Chair Alan Lee for the coordination efforts both put into the event and their guidance of the Gala teams to lead to our largest, most successful event to date. A big thank-you to all the volunteers that devoted their time and effort toward our marquee event. Volunteers lead to success. It was not a dull evening. Dancing, singing, musical interludes, program demonstrations were just part of an enjoyable night out. Our event engendered community involvement and with both members and non-members participating AGOAC is becoming the premier seniors club in Markham. Because of numerous other events providing competition at this time of year, our attendance was a reflection of the dedicated work put into getting historic numbers of members and non-members to attend. Mark your calendar now for next year’s event.