Come Make a Short Film with Us

posted 2020-05-08 13:31 by Thomas Yee

As you all know, senTV was officially launched in March 2020.

senTV was created by Angus Glen Older Adults Club filmmaking group with the assistance of the Ontario Senior Community Grant. senTV covers a variety of subjects and has become the vehicle of promoting an active lifestyle among older adults while practicing social distancing. There are plenty of videos on created by senTV filmmakers and AGOAC program instructors to make this a fun website.

One of the upcoming projects is to produce a fun video on “Nostalgia”. This short film is to showcase an individual’s favorite or sentimental toy, game or hobby from childhood with happy memories. It will be an interesting film since many of us come from different parts of the world.

This project is open to all AGOAC members, families, and friends. We encourage everyone's participation by submitting either your fun memory / idea or a 1-minute long video showing the choice and how it works to make it fun. (Audio and caption are not needed).

Please send your submission to before May 29, 2020.

Note: AGOAC filmmakers will edit the collected videos into a short film for posting on senTV in June. ( All of the participants will be credited in the short film. Please provide your full name and city of your childhood if possible for the credit.

We hope you will participate in this fun project. For questions regarding this project, email to

Thank you!