Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快樂!

posted 2021-02-12 13:28 by Thomas Yee

The Filmmaking Group would like to wish everyone a Healthy and Happy Chinese New Year!

Filmmaking Group's senTV.org created the following short films to welcome the Year of the Ox 2021.

Chinese New Year Cakes and Pastries 賀年糕點
Chinese New Year Fai Chun 揮春迎新歲
Worms in the 12 Zodiac Signs!? 十二生肖有蟲!?
Chinese New Year's Customs and Traditions 新年傳統習俗
The Legend of 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals 十二生肖
The 3 Stooges 三傻拜年
Chinese New Year Red Envelope - 利是 - 紅包
Chinese New Year Lucky Messages 寫揮春 賀新年

新年快樂! 身體健康! 心想事成! 恭喜發財!