Zumba Registration - Classes starting March 9, 2022 - Last chance to register

posted 2022-03-01 23:23 by Kirk McDonald


This is your last chance to register for the next Zumba class starting March 9, 2022

A 10 week session cost is $25.00 payable on March 9, 2022 before the start of the first class. There are a limited number of spaces available. You will be advised by return email if you have successfully reserved a spot or if you have been placed on the wait list. Also, you will be advised of your amount owing. Some registrants will have a credit applied to their current fee based on payments prior to the original shutdown in 2020. Location is Crosby, Lamplight Room. Time 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM each Wednesday. A maximum of 30 can be accommodated. Above 30 will be placed on the wait list. If the attachment is not active you can paste the link below in your browser to access the registration form.


Also See: Attachment